Bloody nipple discharge in infancy
Objective – We present three infants with bloody nipple discharge (BND). This rare clinical entity is mostly related to benign conditions such as ductal ectasia and epithelial hyperplasia. However, BND may be the first symptom of breast carcinoma and for this reason, it causes anxiety in parents.
Case reports – The infants were older than six-months with unilateral left-sided BND and had normal physical exams. Haematological and endocrinological test results were within normal limits in all but one infant, who had increased follicle stimulating hormone and prolactin. Ultrasonography of the breasts showed asymmetry in the quantity of mammary tissue and the discrete dilated ducts. Cytologic examination of the BND did not reveal any inflammatory signs or atypical cells. The BND resolved spontaneously within six months without any specific treatment.
Conclusion – Our findings confirm previously reported observations that BND in infants is associated with ductal ectasia and epithelial hyperplasia. This condition is benign and disappears spontaneously so no specific management intervention is needed.
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